Wednesday, August 4, 2010

well la di da ...

Do you have that one "go-to" film that you turn to in times when you need a pick me up?  A film you can rely on to escape from your world, from stress, from a bad mood?  Mine happens to be Annie Hall.  I think I've watched it a trillion times.  Sometimes before a meeting or big presentation (like this morning!) that I'm feeling overly nervous or stressed out about - I hop over to youtube and watch some Annie Hall clips, and I am instantly calmed, and any anxiety seems to feel less severe.  Her style in this movie is killer - and well, has made Annie Hall a bit of a style icon through the years. At least for myself and my wardrobe.

Oh Annie, I lurve you...

And here's a link to Diane Keaton winning an Oscar for her performance.  youtube would not allow me to embed it here, so follow the link and check this out!!  SOO cute.  Love her.  

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