Monday, April 18, 2011

matt shepard is a friend of mine

hi friends.  i'm excited to share this film teaser for a documentary that my sister, zeina, has taken part in regarding matt's life, who he was, and his story.  the film is being created by michele josue, who also went to school with matt + zeina, and her husband liam mcniff.

they have started a kickstarter account to try to generate more funds for their efforts.  i know money is tight these days, and there are SO many things out there to give to, but perhaps you might find yourself in a position to donate a little something to this documentary so we can get this story out.  it's an important story to tell, and one that is near and dear to my heart.

please take a moment to watch this video, which includes the film teaser, and then visit this kickstarter page to learn more.

thank you,
♥ sb

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