Reno is the perfect solution to that itch for an adventure. So when Zeina invited me along for a celebration for her bf in Reno - it couldn't have been more perfect timing. And I love that my girls are always ready for the {drop everything - run away to reno} trip. (I see many many more of these in our future, btw!)
h i g h l i g h t s:
* Cute cafe/bakery stop -our first stop...where we picked up the cake Z ordered for Dom.
* A little shopping - Junkee Shoppe. And the first thrift store we were able to locate. They really are around every corner - you just need your eyes wide open and to be totally ready to flip a bitch at any given time. This one was found in the midst of almost giving up, frantically searching our iPhones, and almost stressing - when alas, a gentleman was standing on the sidewalk of the intersection we were stopped at holding a Salvation Army This Way sign! How perfect is that ?! I totally have a new appreciation for those sign guys/gals now.
* Liquor store across from Hotel - where a man came rushing in asking if they sell glass tubes...hmm.
* Also where we purchased some beverages for the evening - including Southern Comfort! Taking Trish on a trippy flashback to high school.
* Chapel Tavern for Dom's birthday - where the fresh squeezed greyhounds just kept coming.
* Cab ride home - with a crazy cab driver. A quick stop at Jimboys for that perfect end of the night meal.
* Some funny girl talk in our hotel room - while eating our burritos - probably lasted 7 minutes max.
* Lights out.
* I woke up the next morning filled with energy and a desire to jump out of bed and do something. So I grabbed my camera and hit the Reno streets at 745 am to search for some kitschy Reno typeface!
* Then brunch with Z & Dom - and a nice driving tour of Reno and the River Walk.
* All in all... the perfect trip.
You can find all the photos here: Reno - below are some of my favs.