Wednesday, March 30, 2011

the weekend...

finally tried the pasty shack  

happened upon this rad tree with icicle-like formations off the branches 

went to charlie's 1 year birthday party 

something about being at a 1 year old's birthday party and not having a one year old
inspired us to day drink the rest of the day away.. because - we could...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

veggie pho

it's nearly impossible to find truly vegetarian pho
so i decided it's time to learn how to make my own...
i used a combination of these three recipes below - taking what i want from each

the kitchn        

it turned out pretty good...
although the broth was darker than i like
i think i overloaded on the mushrooms when i was making the broth...

Monday, March 28, 2011

on the brink of summer days...

all photos snatched up from pinterest, my newest online addiction...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

paris fashion week - behind the scenes - chloé

image via Matthew Kristall - T Magazine Blog

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

a scarf worn well


Monday, March 21, 2011

an unexpected dinner date

Last night Eli and I went to our wedding caterers' house for a tasting of the food for our reception.  We had no idea what to expect - I have never been to a tasting of this sort before.  Well, we were blown away.  We arrived at their lovely home and were immediately invited to sit at their dining room table, where place settings awaited us.  We were seated across from each other, with beautiful fresh flowers in between us.  We were on a date.

It's important to note - Eli and I have been so incredibly swamped these days- with crazy schedules that have not allowed for much in the dating (or hanging out much at all) department, so this was a much welcomed surprise.  Going to something that might feel like another wedding planning task - and ending up on a date.

And then ... the food.  Amazing.  They served each dish as a separate course and spent the time explaining the ingredients and walking us through the flavor profiles.  They wanted genuine feedback from us - but all we could offer were a series of 'ooohhs' and 'ahhhhhhs' as we loved everything we tried.  I won't disclose much and I won't share pictures, because I want it to be a surprise.  But I was nearly moved to tears ... it was THAT good.  We feel so lucky to have found this wife + husband team.   Aside from the amazing food, their professionalism, their local and seasonal approach to food, they are genuine, kind, funny, down to earth, rad people.  So pumped!

So we owe them a huge thank you - for providing a platform for us to share a meal that we will eventually be sharing with our nearest and dearest.  

and... they sent us home with the beautiful centerpiece ♥

Friday, March 18, 2011

i like.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


sarah barkawi

mega babe
such good hair

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

can't pull myself away from the news

image via ...

my heart goes out to all the people + animals in japan and all the people around the world with friends + loved ones in japan.

and to my friends, my former teachers and classmates, and all the the people in bahrain - i hope you remain safe and that peace comes quickly.


Monday, March 14, 2011

lil babies

check out our lil seedlings 

pak choi




went to reno for the weekend, and came home to these lil guys doing so well!!
reno was a nice getaway.  celebrated mom's birthday, part deux.
ate black quinoa for the first time at the 4th street bistro
the coop sells red quinoa - but i've never seen black quinoa.
i will have to do some research.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

d.i.y. - it feels good.

designing . touching . making . creating
all the various bits and pieces for our celebration 
is not only incredibly economical but 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

i am the ludicrous gardener

jesse + sophia came over on saturday 
we planted some seeds they had scored at a seed swap
jesse gave me the run down of how to care for them

when expressing how excited i was to see those little darlings sprout up he said, and i quote:
"impatience is beyond ludicrous in a gardener"

Monday, March 7, 2011

cream + gold

ooooh so lovely.

Friday, March 4, 2011

happy birthday mom

today is my mama's birthday
she is the most amazing of all the amazing women
if you know her... well, then, you know

she has always encouraged me to be exactly who i am
i am proud to be her daughter 

when i was in the 11th grade, she and i moved back to the united states a year earlier than my dad
we lived alone that year - just the two of us in a cute little house in roseville
it was a challenging year of changes and adjustments for both of us
we've always been close, but something about that year made us oh so much closer

and as you can see, i cannot get enough of these amazing photos of her from back in the day
these old photos of her are my style inspiration
she's a rad lady, beautiful inside and out, an amazing grandmother, an activist for peace and equality, a therapist by day,  ridiculously adorable and arguably the best mama ever
i could gush about her all day long...

and...she puts up a good fight,
she'd say the same about me...
we are taking her to a fancy dinner tonight - because she deserves that and so much more!

love you mama!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

can I have one part of my life that isn’t TMZ’d up the butt?

so... there's no denying the major hilarity behind charlie sheen's recent antics and his absurd verbal garbage that really makes no sense at all.  i, personally, found his 20/20 interview hard to watch as i thought he was jerk to the interviewer, was totally uncomfortable, and made no sense... don't get me wrong, i laughed out loud several times, but it was still extremely awkward... it felt like a never-ending SNL skit.

of course, someone captured some of his ridiculous quotes here.

but what i am struggling with the most is the fact that he has a long history of violence against women that seems to have gone unnoticed amongst all his other bs.  i can't wrap my mind around the fact that he even maintained a career in the public eye after all of those charges in the first place.

tracie egan morrissey from jezebel does a good job detailing this issue out here. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

things i miss...

my Q street apartment - where the whole place was all mine
and my kitchen was also my closet.

my dhahran days
this was the 7th grade valentine's day dance
i went with chris norseth
i still have that dress
and still besties with some of those friends...
(look at all those mary-jane docs!!)

clay's random drawings on my old kitchen table

having my whole family under 1 roof

using my electric typewriter...which is currently broken

beach bumming

drinking champassions on the patio of hotel san jose

the natural high you get from an equal rights rally

my kate moss collage from my boarding school dorm room
oh, and that lime green + yellow pop corn comforter
and lime green jansport... dang!

playing mafia for hours in austin
and especially missing these 3 faces...